Survey Questions

Technology Trends 2022

  • Internet Users of Total World Population: 58%
  • Social Media Users of Total World Population: 49%
  • 500 Hours of Video Uploaded Per Minute to YouTube
  • 81 % of Small/Medium Businesses on Social Media
  • 5.19 Billion Mobile Phone Users Globally
  • 40000 Google Search Queries Made Every Second
  • 6 Hours 43 minutes Per Day Users Spend Online
  • 92.8 % Of All Internet Searches Made on Google

Please take a minute to complete our survey:

    1. How important is the Internet to your business?

    2. Do you sell your products online?

    3. What is the most common way your clients find you?

    4. Have you done any online promotional activities?

    5. Do you believe your website is comparable to or better than your competition?

    6. Do you see some of your business dealings moving online within the next 6-12 months?

    7. Is your website older than 3 years?

    8. If yes to question 6, when was it last updated?

    9. Do you believe an enhanced Internet presence can help increase your business?

    10. Do you need a website for your business?