Ecommerce Security Tools

Ecommerce Security Tools

As much as ecommerce sales volume has risen over the past 15 months, a number of studies show that the channel’s fraud rates have grown even more quickly.

There are an awful lot of security tools available, so I’m only including 4 lesser-known options here. But before we get to them, here’s a quick caveat: Striking the right balance between ease of commerce and security is key. Add too much friction to your user experience and it will reduce sales.

These methods are non-invasive:
1) Set daily velocity limits on your ecommerce site.
2) Hide all HTML source code.
3) Employ key-stroke recognition.
4) Device fingerprinting is effective.

It’s okay if you don’t recognize some of these options. Your webmaster undoubtedly does. Zettabyte 175 provides a number of security options for your website starting from $5.99/month — view the packages here. Together, we can put together a low-friction, high-security strategy for your online sales. #ecommerce #fraudprevention #fraudmanagement

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